Community Treatment Teams Inc

Blended Enhanced (BE) (Non-fidelity ACT)

CTT Blended Enhanced (BE) program is sometimes referred to as Non-Fidelity ACT. This program provides services to participants whose treatment histories place them at risk due to multiple co-occurring issues. The program provides services to those participants whose traditional treatment strategies have been largely unsuccessful. The CTT-BE program is multidisciplinary and responsible for direct ongoing services that are active, accountable and assertive. The CTT-BE program is an outsource service provider, we provide case management and support partnership and linkage with behavioral health providers, participants and as well as their identified family members. Case management services are provided mostly in the community, or in the participants' home. The CTT-BE program are to ensure appropriate use of acute services, crisis response center visits and to attend to the risk factors that drive recidivism, relapse and re-hospitalization. The CTT-BE program promotes independence, improves quality of life, and fosters stability in every aspect of their life. Our staff recognizes the benefit of instilling hope, individual responsibility, self-determination and self-empowerment. All of these components promote growth toward independence and decreased resilience on the behavioral health system.

To submit an application for CTT BE (Non-Fidelity ACT) Services, review the Medical Necessity Criteria and Steps to a Successful Referral.